Updates from October, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
lucapassarelli: #Alpha #testing and evolution of The #Guardian mobile site http://www.theguardian.com/help/2013/oct/04/alpha-testing-and-evolution-of-our-mobile-site… #responsive
#Alpha #testing and evolution of The #Guardian mobile site http://www.theguardian.com/help/2013/oct/04/alpha-testing-and-evolution-of-our-mobile-site… #responsive -
lucapassarelli: Now You Can Give The Gift of #Starbucks With #Twitter http://feedly.com/k/1aakasr
Now You Can Give The Gift of #Starbucks With #Twitter http://feedly.com/k/1aakasr -
lucapassarelli: #User #Experience. Where has it come from, and why is it here? #UX http://blog.usabilla.com/where-has-user-experience-come-from/…
#User #Experience. Where has it come from, and why is it here? #UX http://blog.usabilla.com/where-has-user-experience-come-from/… -
lucapassarelli: Martin Belam: I’m hiring. Come and help me make “socially shareable #data #journalism” http://martinbelam.com/2013/mysterious-project-y/…
Martin Belam: I’m hiring. Come and help me make “socially shareable #data #journalism” http://martinbelam.com/2013/mysterious-project-y/… -
lucapassarelli: Fixing code for new #repubblicait website with @fparrella @marcoantonutti @lucapassarelli pic.twitter.com/MflevL0e09
Fixing code for new #repubblicait website with @fparrella @marcoantonutti @lucapassarelli pic.twitter.com/MflevL0e09 -
lucapassarelli: Stiamo lavorando sulla nuova homepage di @repubblicait. Ecco un’anteprima, appuntamento a domani pic.twitter.com/bpYCGexprY
Stiamo lavorando sulla nuova homepage di @repubblicait. Ecco un'anteprima, appuntamento a domani pic.twitter.com/bpYCGexprY -
lucapassarelli: Most #newspaper reading still happens in #print. New measures of success extend newsprint’s shelf life http://theconversation.com/new-measures-of-success-extend-newsprints-shelf-life-18892… #journalism
Most #newspaper reading still happens in #print. New measures of success extend newsprint's shelf life http://theconversation.com/new-measures-of-success-extend-newsprints-shelf-life-18892… #journalism -
lucapassarelli: Reader-centric and #paywall-less: the future of #journalism is now http://www.journalismfestival.com/news/reader-centric-and-paywall-less-the-future-of-journalism-is-now/…
Reader-centric and #paywall-less: the future of #journalism is now http://www.journalismfestival.com/news/reader-centric-and-paywall-less-the-future-of-journalism-is-now/… -
lucapassarelli: The #Quartz Way. Insights on #content,creative #taxonomy,#social reverberation,#html5+#responsive design and no #app. http://goo.gl/lUYiXP
The #Quartz Way. Insights on #content,creative #taxonomy,#social reverberation,#html5+#responsive design and no #app. http://goo.gl/lUYiXP -
lucapassarelli: What’s more valuable, time or #money? #SportsIllustrated is testing a new type of #paywall http://adweek.it/17PXVuY #meter
What's more valuable, time or #money? #SportsIllustrated is testing a new type of #paywall http://adweek.it/17PXVuY #meter -
lucapassarelli: #Newsroom curators & independent storytellers: #content #curation as a new form of #journalism. Pdf: https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/documents/Publications/fellows__papers/2012-2013/Newsroom_Curators___Independent_Storytellers_-Content_Curation_as_a_New_Form_Of_Journalism.pdf…
#Newsroom curators & independent storytellers: #content #curation as a new form of #journalism. Pdf: https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/documents/Publications/fellows__papers/2012-2013/Newsroom_Curators___Independent_Storytellers_-Content_Curation_as_a_New_Form_Of_Journalism.pdf… -
lucapassarelli: @fparrella più che un attacco sarà un sabotaggio…
@fparrella più che un attacco sarà un sabotaggio... -
lucapassarelli: #NYT’s website down again – another #cyber attack? pic.twitter.com/WKA9XUNi0g
#NYT's website down again - another #cyber attack? pic.twitter.com/WKA9XUNi0g -
lucapassarelli: Cutting the mustard. #BBC’s approach to #responsive templates #mobile http://responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard… #news
Cutting the mustard. #BBC's approach to #responsive templates #mobile http://responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard… #news -
lucapassarelli: Visualising Data » Best of the visualisation web » August 2013 http://buff.ly/1glaD8D
Visualising Data » Best of the visualisation web » August 2013 http://buff.ly/1glaD8D -
lucapassarelli: The impact of #social #media readership. How major print #newspapers perform in social media http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/3/3/2158244013502496.long… #news
The impact of #social #media readership. How major print #newspapers perform in social media http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/3/3/2158244013502496.long… #news -
lucapassarelli: Toyokeizai increases #pageviews by 700% in 6 months.#Target the younger generation+ Web-focused #content http://www.inma.org/blogs/ideas/post.cfm/toyokeizai-increases-pageviews-by-700-in-6-months… #news #media
Toyokeizai increases #pageviews by 700% in 6 months.#Target the younger generation+ Web-focused #content http://www.inma.org/blogs/ideas/post.cfm/toyokeizai-increases-pageviews-by-700-in-6-months… #news #media -
lucapassarelli: Su tablet vincono gli aggregatori sui magazines http://feedly.com/k/1bMDSOO
Su tablet vincono gli aggregatori sui magazines http://feedly.com/k/1bMDSOO -
lucapassarelli: Lessons from The #Dallas Morning News’s failed #paywall. A paywall is not going to save a paper’s bacon on its own. http://www.cjr.org/the_audit/the_dallas_morning_news_drops.php…
Lessons from The #Dallas Morning News's failed #paywall. A paywall is not going to save a paper’s bacon on its own. http://www.cjr.org/the_audit/the_dallas_morning_news_drops.php…