Updates from June, 2014 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
lucapassarelli: Tips for #newsroom tweeting: Q&A with Los Angeles Times #social #media editor Stacey Leasca http://feedly.com/e/t6g4Dum3 #latimes #twitter
Tips for #newsroom tweeting: Q&A with Los Angeles Times #social #media editor Stacey Leasca http://feedly.com/e/t6g4Dum3 #latimes #twitter -
lucapassarelli: The #Agile Organisation: Are You Ready for Revolution? http://www.infoq.com/articles/agile-org-revolution#.U52NXt1qqrQ.twitter…
The #Agile Organisation: Are You Ready for Revolution? http://www.infoq.com/articles/agile-org-revolution#.U52NXt1qqrQ.twitter… -
lucapassarelli: New York Times debuts the ‘#Snowfall’ of #native #ads. #NYT http://zite.to/1sebDnE
New York Times debuts the '#Snowfall' of #native #ads. #NYT http://zite.to/1sebDnE -
lucapassarelli: #Iraq shuts down #social #media to prevent government overthrow http://zite.to/1p1HyC8
#Iraq shuts down #social #media to prevent government overthrow http://zite.to/1p1HyC8 -
lucapassarelli: #Globe and #Mail want journalists to write branded #content http://zite.to/1ufQ95A
#Globe and #Mail want journalists to write branded #content http://zite.to/1ufQ95A -
lucapassarelli: #Feedly is currently down due to a #DDos attack http://wp.me/p2U2x-1h6
#Feedly is currently down due to a #DDos attack http://wp.me/p2U2x-1h6 -
lucapassarelli: #Uber worth $18 billion because.. http://huff.to/1lbKa0o
#Uber worth $18 billion because.. http://huff.to/1lbKa0o -
lucapassarelli: We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet.
We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet. -
lucapassarelli: #Huffpost US moving from own commenting platform to #Facebook comments http://huff.to/1kXj114 #huffingtonpost
#Huffpost US moving from own commenting platform to #Facebook comments http://huff.to/1kXj114 #huffingtonpost -
lucapassarelli: 8 #BuzzFeed lessons for the #media industry http://www.inma.org/blogs/out-of-the-box/post.cfm/8-buzzfeed-lessons-for-the-media-industry…
8 #BuzzFeed lessons for the #media industry http://www.inma.org/blogs/out-of-the-box/post.cfm/8-buzzfeed-lessons-for-the-media-industry…